Unsorted Wild Birds


Genus Myiozetetes is a small genus of passerine birds in the tyrant flycatcher family. The four species occur in tropical Central and South America. They are.

Breeding / Nesting:

They breed in cultivation, pasture, and open woodland with some trees, building a large roofed nest from stems and in a bush, tree or on a building.

The nest is often constructed near a wasp, bee or ant nest, or the nest of another tyrant flycatcher,. The nest site is often near or over water.

The typical clutch is two to four brown or lilac-blotched cream or white eggs, laid between February and June.


The adult Myiozetetes flycatchers are 16-18 cm long and weighs 24-30 g.

The upperparts are olive-brown, and the wings and tail are brown with only faint rufous fringes. The underparts are yellow and the throat is white.

Young birds lack the red-orange crown stripe of the adult, and have chestnut fringes to the wing and tail feathers.

The best distinction between the species is the head pattern. Social Flycatcher has strong black-and white head markings, whereas Grey-capped Flycatcher has a grey head with a short weak eyestripe.

Diet / Feeding:

Myiozetetes flycatchers sally out from an open perch in a tree to catch insects in flight. They sometimes hover to take small berries.


Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.

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