birdsFood Chain

What Eats Crows?

What Eats Crows? What Do Crows Eat?

The main predators, or natural enemies, of crows and ravens are hawks and owls. Hawks attack, kill, and eat them during the day, and owls come after them at night when they are on their roosts.

But crows also attack hawks and owls—though not to eat them. Crows seem to hate their natural enemies, and when they find one of them, they attack them in big, noisy groups in a behavior called “mobbing.”

A hawk or owl that is being mobbed by crows always tries to get away to avoid being pecked.

And, what does a crow eat? Crows are very adaptable birds, and they eat almost anything, from seeds and fruits to carrion, which means dead animals.

What Eats Crows What Do Crows Eat
What Eats Crows What Do Crows Eat


Crows are abundant and common in almost every country. They are known for their intelligence, flexibility and adaptability. They are vulnerable to predators, which can reduce their numbers and threaten their existence.

Crows are fascinating because of their ability to form friendships and retain anger. This post will examine some of the natural predators who are dangerous to crows.

The role of crows in the natural food chain

Crows are often regarded as a nuisance. The crow is known for being loud, untidy, and eating garbage over bird food. The crow is a key player in the organic food industry.

Crows are scavengers who remove carcasses and waste from the environment. They make it cleaner. In doing so, they help to keep their environment free of decaying wastes and illness. Crows also provide food to other animals.

Snakes and raccoons are attracted to their high fat and protein content. Crows are important in maintaining the natural order. Remember that things would be much more chaotic and even deadly without them.

Predators of Crows

The most common predators for crows:


Snakes come in many sizes and types, some are aquatic while others are terrestrial. Snakes can be found in both arboreal and terrestrial species. They can also attack crows while they are perched on trees.

Snakes living on trees have a disguised appearance as a form of natural protection. It is difficult for birds such as crows, to recognize them. As soon as the snake sees its prey, it is ready to strike. Snakes are able to hunt their prey with their cunning tactic, even though they may be slow.

Some snakes have tails that look like worms. Crows and other bird species are attracted to these snakes as a food source. The snakes take advantage of this and kill any birds that come into contact with their tail. It is also difficult to resist a snake attack.

Snakes restrain themselves by gradually entangling their prey between their bodies. The bird slowly loses its breath and eventually dies in their grip. Once the bird has died, the snake lets go of its grip and consumes it. It may seem cruel, but it is the way that nature works.

Most Dangerous Snakes in the World. King Cobra Venomous Snake
Most Dangerous Snakes in the World. King Cobra Venomous Snake


When discussing eagles, the phrase “apex prey” is always mentioned. What is the meaning of “apex” predator? A group of animals, mostly carnivores, are called apex-predators. Apex predators are the top of the food pyramid.

Eagles are apex hunters and eat small animals, including birds. Crows are one of the many species on which these formidable raptors prey. Want to know how eagles kill crows and other birds?

Contrary to what you might imagine, they wouldn’t do this while in flight. Even though they appear to be faster, eagles weigh more and are larger than crows. Due to this, eagles find it difficult to catch crows mid-air. They therefore attack them on the floor.

Bald Eagle Head Shot
Bald Eagle Head Shot


As dangerous as eagles and hawks, falcons feed on crows. Falcons are known to hunt crows in an adventurous manner. Crows are common in urban areas where falcons live. These birds of prey are therefore a perfect meal for raptors.

Pigeons, crows, and other birds have been the falcons’ main food sources since they began living in cities. They have built nests on top of large buildings to protect themselves, their young and provide food. The falcons are intelligent birds, and they are also the top predators.

It is also impressive that falcons are able to hunt with seven different methods. The unique nail structure allows them to capture and kill crows. The crows make a strong defensive claim.

Raccoon In The Field What Eats Raccoon?
Raccoon In The Field What Eats Raccoon?


Enjoy watching videos of birds online? You may have seen videos of owls eating the brains of crows. In fact, owls love to eat crows’ brains. How are crows actually killed? Learn more about it.

Horned Owls can be more dangerous to crows than eagles or hawks. Owls often ambush crows behind them. In order to prepare for their prey, the owls hide behind the bushes. Owls are nocturnal, so they can easily identify crows asleep on a roost. When they don’t encounter any resistance, they attack.

The Greater Sooty Owls Close Up Image
The Greater Sooty Owls Close Up Image


Hawks are crows’ most deadly adversaries, as they hunt them and their young aggressively. Hawks use their well-formed legs to hunt and fight other birds. They have three long frontal talons and one short posterior talon for each limb, just like other raptors.

Do you know that hawks can kill different birds with different methods? Hawks are dangerous avian predators because of their particular habits.

Hawks attack crows daily because they follow a diurnal schedule. Hawks often attack young, weak baby crows when they attack crows. They are easier to intimidate and helpless.

Crested Hawk-eagles Is on Flight
Crested Hawk-eagles Is on Flight

Red-Winged Blackbirds

Have you noticed a Red-Winged Blackbird? You must have needed some clarification in order to understand that they belong to the same family as crows. We’ll discuss how Red-winged Blackbirds differ from crows and can be a danger in this section.

Red-winged Blackbirds will only surround crows if they are in danger. Fear could be caused by crows stealing their food, encroaching on their territory or threatening their nestlings, eggs and young. Red-winged Blackbirds will even kill or harm crows in order to protect their young.

A Red-winged Blackbird resting on a metal pole.
A Red-winged Blackbird resting on a metal pole.


Let’s first clarify that kingbirds do not hunt crows. This section may surprise you. The kingbirds are not chasing crows to eat.

The kingbird is a naturally sedentary bird. They do not hunt or eat all the time. They mostly eat whatever they can find, such as fruits, seeds and insects. Kingbirds will defend their territory and young fiercely.

A crow, or a group of crows, can easily mob a Kingbird. This is a protective move by kingbirds in the face of danger. Kingbirds are the natural predators of crows, unless they pose a danger.

Final Words

Crows play a vital role in ecosystem function and development because they are scavengers and dispersers of seeds in the web of life. They are still under constant threat, just like every other creature. They will eat the animals as they are a predatory species.

Understanding the predators of the crow helps us understand ecosystem dynamics, and the delicate balance which keeps life on Earth possible as we try to unravel the webs that link up the natural world.

Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.
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