
What Eats Hyenas?

What Eats Hyenas? What Do Hyenas Eat?

The hyena is a unique, fascinating creature that plays a vital role in ecosystems across Africa and Asia.

Hyenas are opportunistic predators that eat a variety of animals. They also scavenge and prey on other creatures. Hyenas have to be on the lookout for their predators in the wild.

This article will look closely at the hyena and its diet.

What Eats Hyenas? Hyena PredatorsWhat Eats Hyenas What Do Hyenas Eat

Hyenas are powerful predators and scavengers. They may appear invincible. In reality, their range is populated by a variety of predators. These are the main hyena predators.


In most places where the two species are found together, lions pose the greatest threat to the hyena. Lions are the largest predators in Africa and will kill hyenas if they have the opportunity. The lions also take fresh kills away from the hyena groups, forcing them to flee.

Even male lions are known to kill hyenas cubs in order to prevent future rivalry. Hyenas are usually the losers in conflicts between lions, hyenas, and their clans.


Hyenas can be preyed upon by leopards who are predatory and aggressive, particularly when they are young or weak.

The leopards can climb trees and drag their kills of hyenas up into the branches to keep them safe from other predators or scavengers. This includes hyenas. When possible, leopards will readily take over the hyena carcasses.

African Wild Dogs

African wild dogs (also called painted wolves) are pack hunters who can sometimes prey on a single hyena.

Conflicts between wild dog and hyena groups are rare and dangerous for both parties. Individual hyenas can also fall victim to wild dog groups.

Nile Crocodiles

Hyenas who get too near the edge of water will be preyed upon by the Nile Crocodile. Avoid becoming a meal for crocodiles by being cautious when nearing bodies of water.


The larger snakes can pose a danger to the hyenas and hyenas. These include dangerous snakes such as black mambas and puff adders. Snakes do not usually prey upon adult hyenas because they are too big.


Hunting, habitat destruction, and poaching are the main threats to hyena population. Hyenas are associated with witchcraft in some cultures, which has led to widespread hunting and persecution of these animals.

Also, snares or poison meant for other predators can kill hyenas.  They are currently the focus of conservation efforts aimed at preserving and protecting their population.

Hyenas – What do they eat? Hyena Diet

The Hyena eat a variety of foods and are omnivorous. They are opportunistic hunters and skilled scavengers. This is a brief overview of hyenas’ varied diet.


A hyena consumes meat to the tune of 95%. These are brilliant hunters, with jaws so strong they can eat entire carcasses and bones. They will eat and hunt a variety of animals, such as:What Do Hyenas Eat

  • Wildebeest
  • Zebra
  • Antelope
  • Gazelles
  • Impala
  • Warthogs
  • Rodents
  • Birds
  • Reptiles
  • Insects
  • Monkeys
  • Fish

Hyenas, in addition to being skilled hunters of live prey animals, are also highly-skilled scavengers. The hyenas will happily eat the carcasses of other predators, such as lions. They can thrive off rotting and diseased meat, which other scavengers will not eat.


Fruit is a healthy alternative to meat for hyenas. They will readily eat fruits such as watermelon and plum. Hyenas get additional nutrition and water from fruits.


Hyenas are known to raid nests of birds and consume eggs at any given opportunity. Ostrich eggs, due to their size, are particularly popular. Hyenas can also eat the eggs, which are a good source of nutrition.


Even adults may occasionally nurse their lactating females in their clan. Adults may also occasionally take milk from the lactating women in their clan.


On occasion, hyenas are observed to eat grass. Scientists think grass helps hyenas to expel indigestible material from their stomachs such as hair, bones, and bone fragments. Fiber may provide micronutrients.


Hyenas are scavengers and have stomachs strong enough to consume rotting meat and carcasses infected by deadly bacteria such as anthrax or botulism.

They can thrive off meat that other animals avoid. Eating carrion helps hyenas get nutrition.

Unusual Hunting and Foraging TechniquesWhat Do Hyenas Eat And Drink

The Hyenas developed unique strategies for hunting and foraging to maximize their food resources.

  • The Hyena is the largest land carnivores in terms of their bite force. They can crush entire bones with their massive jaws. They can reach marrow, nutrients and other food sources that are not accessible to predators.
  • These animals have a high level of intelligence and are social animals. They work in groups and communicate with each other to isolate and surround prey animals and kill them.
  • Hyenas are able to detect carrion at a distance of up to a mile with their acute sense of smell. Also, they are intelligent enough to track vultures that circle over fresh carcasses. They can break tough bones and hide with their powerful jaws.
  • These sneaky creatures sometimes store excess food away in secret locations, and then return later to them when there is a lack of prey. They can access additional nutrition through food storage.
  • Hyenas are social animals that live in a community. They work together to hunt prey, defend corpses from predators and take care of each other.
  • They are adapted to their digestive tracts. From the caustic acid in their stomachs to their intestines, which contain beneficial bacteria. This allows them to eat meat that other predators cannot.


Why are lions and hyenas so violent?

They often compete with lions in overlapping areas of Africa. Hyenas are viewed by lions to be a nuisance and a danger, while the lions perceive hyenas a competition for space and food. To eliminate competition, lions are willing to kill hyenas.

Hyenas also steal their kills frequently. The lions are stronger, and can use the numbers of hyenas to defend themselves. Sometimes, these disputes escalate to prolonged fights between the hyenas’ clans and lions’ pride.

Hyenas can safely consume rotting and diseased meat.

The adaptations of hyenas allow them to survive as carrion scavengers, which other animals avoid. The bacteria-filled stomach juices of hyenas help to break down harmful organisms that are consumed along with the decomposing meat.

Hyenas’ blood contains special proteins that neutralize the deadly toxin associated with decaying flesh. The liver enzymes of hyenas also do a great job at neutralizing the deadly toxins associated with rotting flesh.

What is the reason that hyenas eat fruit and grass even though they are known carnivores

Hyenas are meat eaters, but they will eat a variety of foods.

They get more energy and nutrition from fruit. The fiber in grass is believed to be what helps hyenas regurgitate hair, hooves and bones they consume while eating carcasses.

The conclusion of the article is:

Hyenas are highly efficient hunters, foragers and scavengers. Hyenas thrive off a varied, high-protein diet thanks to their intelligence, social structure and formidable jaws.

Even these predators have to be on guard against lions and leopards. Hyenas play a unique role in maintaining the fragile ecological balance on the African Savanna.


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